MSO Services

Tandigm Physician Services is a full-service management services organization experienced in primary care and specialty physician practice operations. Our client base is growing rapidly as we continue to enhance the services we provide and expand the teams supporting practices in all aspects of business and clinical operations including:

Revenue cycle icon.

Revenue Cycle

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  • Epic Resolute Specialists
  • Credentialing 
  • Auditing 
  • Medical Coding
Doctor and patient icon.


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  • Quality
  • Care Management
  • Patient Access
Provider and staff icon.


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  • Provider and Staff Recruitment
  • Human Resources Services
  • Policy and Procedure Development
  • Payroll and Benefit Administration
IT icon.

Information Technology
& Security

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  • Network Design and Security
  • Hardware Support and Service
  • Selection and Maintenance of Electronic Health Record (EHR)
  • Analytics


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  • Physician Compensation Plans
  • Financial Reporting and Dashboards
  • Accounting and Cash Management Services


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  • Process Improvement
  • Procurement and Inventory Management
  • Clerical and Clinical Training


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  • Content Creation
  • Social Media Management 
  • Website Management  

Additional Services

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  • Strategic Planning
  • Corporate Compliance
  • Office Location Design and Planning